


i cant sleep so im eating a giant cookie, having a big cup of tea, and Tarot and i are playing while listening to mystery podcasts.

i’ve been thinking about @impish-iggies and outcrossing to create a coated, small sighthound. i see this spaniel mix in town that looks like what i imagine an IG x Cocker might look like, i love her. she is leggy and dainty, with feathering that reminds me of a saluki. you can definitely see the spaniel, though. then i tried to visualize IG x mini american shepherd, or sheltie. a fun little agility dog maybe?

i wish i could draw these speculative crosses.

this cookie sucks. 😕

So, I totally keep a folder on my computer of interesting IG and Whippet crosses for future reference haha.

Here’s some Whippet x Cockers:

A Whippet x Springer:

Whippet x Grey x Springer:

It’s interesting how all those crosses are smooth-coated despite the spaniel blood. From what I read, they’re also extremely hyper all the time which is not something I want in a dog (I like having an off switch haha). Not very useful as rabbiters either from what I’ve read, which isn’t a big deal to me but just interesting.

I have one Whippet x Aussie too:

Apparently a very biddable dog.

Never thought of using a MAS before though. Interesting. :O

Whippet x Sheltie is essentially what Long-haired Whippets are. I would probably opt for a IG x LHW over a IG x Sheltie because it would take a lot fewer generations to return to sighthound type (probably none with a LHW cross) and the desired temperament.

the smoothness is strong! those first pups look like tiny pointers c:

sighthound x spitz is another i try to picture